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379246 Criar Memorial
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Jane Tarh Takang Exit of the last of Trio! April 21, 2013
Dear Uncle/Papa,

Rest in Perfect Peace as you lay in the bossom of your maker this day. It is indeed a tough pill to swallow. We sought solace that with Papa gone we could count on you for at least a few more years... But as you said each time when you were with us, 'do not worry we have lived our time, if anything happens just give us a befitting burial' You never feared the inevitable, death. We knew we still had you 'Papa' to occupy Papa's Buea room, and the special/ hard bed which very few of you enjoyed sleeping on. I reminiscent the conversations that never ended starting from the veranda, to the parlour and each one of you dosing off alternately....., and as early as 5.00A.M you both could be overheard talking as usual..... Your PApa  (plural) school has been a tough one leaving us with lessons:
1. Timeless unconditional bonds of friendship and commitment, valuing each other
2. Total dedication and commitment to our children, families and community 
3. A life of Prayer and dedication to man and the Almighty God
4. Education (the pen wields mightier than the sword
5. Ability to cut across generations and stay in touch....

You were not a loner and did not want to live as such, so joined your friends in the great beyond, in you usual style, appearing unannounced.....

Adieu Papa, till we meet again  

Monica Fobrin Our Beloved Brother April 17, 2013

           Lawyer Edjua, I know there is a beginning and an end to everything; however, I was not ready for your departure just yet. You were a great father, friend, husband, son-in-law, and listener a mother-in-law could ever wish for. You took good care of our daughter, myself, and in fact the whole family.

            We love you lawyer. I cherished all our time together. You will always remain close to our heart. We will miss you dearly and will continue to pray for you. Endless love and rest in peace.

            I would have loved to join your children, wife, and the rest of the family to go give you a final good-bye, but unfortunately I am patient. I cannot go to Cameroon at this time. I give my blessing and prayers for the good God to take the children home safely to escort you to your final place.

                                                                                                                                    Mama Juliana Forbin

            My dearest brother-in-law where do I start, I am at a lack of words to express the deep sorrow I felt when I heard of your passing the greatest comfort I had was that I was at the retreat when I heard the news. We were able to include you in our prayers for the repose of your soul. Thank  you for your advise, love and kindness throughout the years you became part of our family. Thank you for being such a wonderful, brother-in-law and a good father and friend. I cherish all the time we spent together. Thank you fopr the courage you showed during your illness. I remembered good times we had when you visited us in the US. Even through you were in pain, you were still able to make jokes, tell stories, and laugh. It felt like old days when I was in Cameroon. We felt blessed having such an intelligent man as an in-law. Thank you for always reaching out to lend a hand to all who came your way. Thank you for taking very good care of our sister. Thank you for everything. We know you are with us at all times. We will always remember you. We love you and will miss you dearly. May your soul rest in peace.

                                                                                                                              Monica Forbin Nkematabong

Njwen Anyangwe-Ngute I remember April 16, 2013
Dearest Uncle Edjua,

I remember my days as a child and an adolescent in Kumba and Bamenda, and the friendship you shared with my dad.
You have proven over the years that your were indeed a loyal friend to my dad, who passed away 25 years ago, interestingly in the same month (March) as you.

I remember your invaluable advice to us on so many matters - academic, social and spiritual. Always so insightful and full of wisdom.

I remember the many times I spent with you and aunty May in Mamfe on transit to Bamenda from Port Harcourt, Nigeria. You made me feel so much at home, you would take me to the club in Mamfe, spoil me, and you were ever so proud to introduce me to your friends. 

I remember you being so proud of my achievements at the University of Port Harcourt. Unfortunately, you could not make it to my graduation, and asked aunty May to represent you at my graduation ceremony all the way in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

I remember you spending several hours with us on the eve of my dad's 10th memorial service to rehearse the songs that we had to sing during this service. You provided input on our performance during the rehearsal, to ensure that we were prepared to sing during the memorial service without messing up the songs.

I remember my days at the University of Buea- when you visited Buea, you will stop by to see me or I will visit you where ever you were staying. As usual, we had very interesting conversations. You encouraged me to go back to school and obtain my doctorate degree. You always looked into connecting me with people in my field of study.

I remember the last time I spoke with you. You complained of severe back pain and told me you are not sure I will meet you when next I come to Cameroon. I rebuked you, but little did I know that this would be the case.

My heart aches because I have lost a second dad. I will continue to remember you for all what you have done.

Thank you for being a father to us for 25 years after our dad passed away. Thank you for your kindness, love, and care.
Yes indeed, you epitomize that family is not necessarily blood.

Rest in Perfect Peace uncle, till we meet to part no more. I will miss you.

My deepest love to my dad.

With Love, Njwen Anyangwe-Ngute

Dorothy E Ebi Our Teacher and Our Counselor April 11, 2013
Papa was a famillied man.He was a man of all people both young and old. He was always willing and eager to listen to everyone no matter how busy he was he will always create time to listen to people's problem. Papa was a man of his word,very truthfull, innocent and a very patient man. no matter whom you are, he will always speak the truth and stand on it without favor.He was a problem solver, a peace maker and life saver. There are many things to say about Papa but we all should reserve it to God because it pleased him to call Papa at his on time.
Fair well Papa and rest pace! ok! 
Dorothy E Ebi
Annette Tako Our beloved uncle: Bye April 9, 2013

Uncle Edjua have been an uncle to us for a long time.
When Uncle Edjua bought a VCR, he was one of the first in neighborhood to buy one
he invited the entire neighborhood to come and watch the Royal wedding.

Uncle sat close to the TV and his house was as full as movie studio. He explained the entire movie and also gave background information on what is going on in England.

Uncle always had stories; he was one of the few adults I knew as a kid who you can carry out a conversation with.

Hanging out as a kid at Pa Edjua’s house was always fun and it was always nice when he stopped by our house. We enjoyed talking to him.

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